Articles | Simply Splendid Productions New Blog


Kuku Yalanji Language Revitalisation

Kuku Yalanji Smoking Ceremony

When I visited Mossman State School to demonstrate the Kuku Yalanji eBook we've been working on I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and feedback. My visit coincided with the launch of the Kuku Yalanji Advisory Group initiative a couple of days later. It attended by the school community, advisory group members and representatives of Queensland Department of Education.

Mossman Gorge

The Kubirri Story

The ebook uses the story of Kubirri that is embedded in the mountain peak overlooking Mossman Gorge and the surrounding area as an interactive narrative told by a Kuku Yalanji elder. It's an introduction for beginning students of Kuku Yalanji language. The resource is designed for class lessons using an interactive whiteboard or individual learning on tablet or computer. It was especially valuable to have the insight and feedback from teachers to refine the first version and to help plan the roadmap for future ones.

Kuku Yalanji eBook

While at the school I recorded the prepies singing: "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes" or rather "Dukul, binda, bungku, durra" for the ebook. Shutting the air-con down to eliminate background noise for the recording took a little time and I marvelled at the the skill these five and six year olds had in manipulating both English as well as Kuku Yalanji in their morning class. It is a precious time inter education. Also important to cultural learning and included in the ebook are the family relationship names which in many communities are used in preference to first names, reinforcing relationships between community members. These names also give insight into the thinking that binds community together and how relationships and their names cycle through the generations. These subtleties only come through learning language and are lost in English.

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Do You Know What Your Customers Need? How to Discover Your Target Market's Pain and Challenges


What's the difference between a sales page that converts and one that doesn't? There are many elements that go into a sales page and each has a direct effect on conversions, but there's one very important element that absolutely must be there: It has to address the customer's pain or challenges and offer a unique solution.

People buy products and services because they have some problem they're facing, and the product or service offers a solution. There are many choices out there, but they're looking for someone who speaks directly to their needs and offers the solution that's perfect for them.
For example, you may be a solo entrepreneur trying to get your business off the ground and you just can't seem to figure out how to get traffic to your site. If a sales page offers you a way to quickly and easily drive traffic to your website, you're likely to buy what that page is offering.
So, the first step in creating your sales page is to discover these pain points and exactly how your product provides a solution.
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