Articles | Simply Splendid Productions New Blog


How To Make A YouTube Channel With MimoCall

By the end of this article you will know how to make live interviews for your YouTube channel with MimoCall and be surprised how easy it is. I started using the software in its original version called BoinxTV. I loved the idea, especially that no video editing was needed to put together a great program. But if I am really honest about it, when I stared streaming in 2008 it was more aspirational than practical. The technology just wasn't quite there and the bandwidth just was available to make a good reliable broadcast to your YouTube channel without always being concerned the software would crash. I simply couldn't provide a good user experience no matter how engaging the content.

Broadcasting van

Yet with every new release MimoLive Reporter is getting more and more like having a broadcasting van in you Mac.

That certainly isn't the case today. Now every smartphone can live stream to Facebook and YouTube. Live streaming technology has come ahead leaps and bound in the last couple of years and BoinxTV, now called MimoLive is no slouch either. When it comes to including interviews and recorded interviews and rich graphics in making your YouTube channel in my opinion there is no better software. It's like having a television recording studio in your Mac.

MimoCall extends this idea even further. The concept is simple enough; stream an interview with someone in a remote location as part of the programming for you Facebook or YouTube channel. Let’s say you want to invite guests or expert commentators to be part of you program. A simple way to do that would be to have them connect their microphone and camera to their Mac or PC and open a web link that captures their video and sound and sends it into MimoLive. There there are media sources that you can switch in and out of your program. MimoCall is like Skype for live TV. What could be simpler?

In their latest beta software update, MimoCall has been upgraded in its functionality. Renaming it to MimoLive Reporter clearly shows where the company is headed with this software. MimoLive Reporter not only does what MimoCall could do, but it has brought to a whole new level. Using just you iPhone you can bring conduct interviews as before but now you can add graphic overlays, play video clips and use you iPhone camera to cover live events. Stunning!

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Strategic Marketing for Businesses Online

marketing strategies

This course explores the key core elements of a marketing strategy.

Strategy is more than using any particular channel or avenue such as content marketing, Facebook ads or Google Adsense, email marketing or messenger marketing, etc. It’s how the elements work together in a marketing system and overlap each other in their effect. Each one can make a business more profitable.

These elements can be woven into a business of any kind, from a one-person local consulting firm, or a ten-person online business. The principles are relevant to anyone wanting to market or promote their business. The course will begin with the concept of a unique selling proposition (USP) and will end with internet marketing, and cover 9 key elements of a business system.

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Make a Live Streaming YouTube Channel with MimoLive


Facebook has made live streaming very easy from just about any smartphone. Type in a title and description, click “go live”, and in 3, 2, 1 you’re live streaming. Now your stream appears with many others on viewers newsfeeds with audio turned off. If it’s just your talking head, there is little to distinguish it from any other stream. Followers will recognise you of course. But how can you make your stream more attractive to potential followers than everything else in the newsfeed? MimoLive livestreaming software is the answer.

With livestreaming software Mimolive for Apple computers you can create you own Facebook television program with all the features your viewers expect. Whether it is multi camera coverage, rich graphic and text overlays, cut aways to location or interviews with experts anywhere in the world, Mimolive puts all this at your fingertips, literally.

social-mediaMultiple surveys tell us that people are more likely to watch video than any other kind of media in the newsfeed. The question is, with live streaming becoming such a popular marketing tool, how can live streamers differentiate their message from everything else in the newsfeed? But with a choice of a talking head on the one hand or a video with all the features of one professionally produced on the other, which do you think people will choose. They will choose the image that is most appealing and has the most recognisable information relevant to their interests every time.

In the past you needed a TV studio or AV Van and the crew to run it to get this result. But in the same way that digital video has put videography in the hands of everyone who owns a smartphone, Mimolive puts a production studio in the hands of anyone with an apple computer. Whether social media, broadcasting conferences, faith based broadcasting or 360º video is you thing, MimoLive gives you the means to do it. All you need is your camera source, your mac with MimoLive and an internet connection to get you started.

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Communication Technology and Social Media in the 1960s

Liking Before Social Media

Photo of Tummaville School Pupils in 1961

I've seen huge changes in communications tech. It began with the army field telephone we used on the farm to talk to the two families that were near neighbours and relatives. The phone in those days was for adults. Kids were a bit frightened of them. Imagine that! There was a party line for people further up the road but we weren't connected. Anyway, the operators were not unknown to listen in and your business would be spread all over the neighbourhood, and if that were untrue, it was at least the fear.

Letters written on cream wove with a post office nib were more reliable. One of the favourite jobs at primary school was mixing up the ink for afternoon copybook lesson. The bad boy in the class always got the job. Apparently, I wasn't bad enough. One time he beat me up. I was a bit on the light side and under powered for my age. I don't remember what I did to provoke him but I do remember getting into trouble for fighting. After all, I was the one with a black eye. I guess they thought he was a lost cause. No wait! I remember. He called me a bastard and I took umbridge at the slight on my mother's reputation. I knew what the word meant but didn't really understand swearing yet, and what's more I was excessively loved up as a kid.

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NEWS: Simply Splendid Productions Website Refresh

About this Blog

Welcome to our refreshed website and blog. I am looking forward to telling you about our film, online and social development projects and describing the work we do. In the posts ahead I will be conversing with you about techy stuff; filmmaking, online television, tiny website building and much more. There will be content about our social and personal development work ranging from Carol's colouring mandalas which are really portals into some very important parts of the mind, and that are a great aid in becoming more relaxed, more aware and more oneself. There are the Aboriginal and Cultural stories that follow on from our documentary, Two Brothers Walking and many films with community centers. But for now I simply want to say welcome and we appreciate you coming on board.

Banksia Sp.

Blog Images

From time to time I will my photos in posts. Like this one. Click on it to see a larger version of the image of the Banksia flower. Many of them have botanical subjects, after all, my science major was Botany. I never worked as a botanist but went into education instead. So I would like to share my fascination with flowering plants simply because I find them beautiful and hope you do too.

Comments and Blog Tech Issues

As I said there will be a fair bit of techy stuff, another passion, so you will find the blog categories and keywords useful in working out whether a particular post is likely to be of interest to you. There will be plenty about live streaming and video production so overall, beautiful and functional is my goal.

There there are the comments which I urge you to join in. You do need to do a one time signup with which provides the commenting service. The comments are not moderated be it is a way of keeping the conversations positive and avoiding spam. So I hope you will not find that too onerous. Post any problems you encounter and I will post a solution so that others can benefit from your questions as well.

So welcome.


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